Artwork credit: sensuali.com
Last year I wrote three articles for Sensuali. Sensuali is a website and community that provides a judgment-free space for sex-positive humans to embrace their sensuality and explore their desires. Check out https://www.sensuali.com/
I'm proud of all three articles, so below I give you a teaser of each and a direct link so you can check out the ones which pique your interest...
A sex coach’s guide to navigating new sexual experiences
"The world of sex: huge, diverse, juicy and waiting for you to explore. As you’re here on Sensuali, I’ll assume you’re keen to seek out new experiences… or at least are in the early stages of considering doing so.
Like lots in life, in order for such experiences to go well, some forward planning and mental preparation can really help. We tend to imagine ‘good sex’ should be easy, spontaneous and wordless… but as a sex coach I know that’s not how it works..."
Read the full post here: https://www.sensuali.com/b/a-sex-coachs-guide-to-navigating-new-sexual-experiences-9689/
Long-term loving: A sex coach’s playbook for committed couples
"So you’re thinking of livening up your marriage or long term relationship with some sexual exploration? Congratulations! You’re at the start of a journey which will teach you lots about yourselves as individuals, and as a couple.
Along with nerves and excitement you probably have some concerns. That’s natural. But putting some advance thought and planning into what’s ahead will help set you up for success. The fact you’re reading this article already suggests you have the right mindset to make this work!..."
Read the full post here: https://www.sensuali.com/b/long-term-loving-a-sex-coachs-playbook-for-couples-24962/
The newly single’s guide to rediscovering your sensuality
"When you’re coming out of a long marriage or relationship, exploring a new-look sex life might be the last thing on your mind… or the first! The chance to re-establish yourself as an independent sexual being might feel exciting, and you may have lots of new things you want to try.
Or you may need a time of sexual hibernation, before you are ready to re-emerge. Both are normal and ok..."
Read the full post here: https://www.sensuali.com/b/newly-single-a-guide-to-rediscovering-your-sensuality-25324/
I love to write about sex and share my wisdom, gathered through two decades of sex positive explorations and work. To enquire about commissioning me to write for you, fill in the contact form here.